Expanding Your Business?
It has been my pleasure to assist a number of my clients with the expansion of their businesses as they have added, changed and sold locations. One thing expanding business owners need to keep in mind is the expansions’ effect on their balance sheet. Owning every location loads a balance sheet with assets and debt that will quickly cause problems with acquisition financing.
Using Financing Alternatives
Sometimes clients get stuck between wanting to purchase a property they need and needing to sell a location before they have the funds to make that purchase. By using various forms of bridge loans and/or alternative financing a buyer can land safely and contentedly in the new location.
Don’t Put Your Head In The Sand
Environmental issues can tie up a property for months. Radium, a mining extract, is still an issue for some Denver properties. Even if an owner thinks the EPA cleaned up all the radium at a site, this may or may not be the case. It is best to be certain. As one seller found out during due diligence, what she thought was a clean-up certificate was, in fact, not.
"I have helped my clients through all of the problems mentioned above. If you have a problem, please call me so I can help you find a way through it."
- Rebecca B. Martin, President